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Modifié par Vincent Massol le 2019/05/24 09:16

Masquer les derniers auteurs
Thomas Mortagne 3.1 1 {{include reference="Blog.BlogCode"/}}
Vincent Massol 1.1 2
Thomas Mortagne 3.1 3 {{include reference="Blog.CategoriesCode"/}}
Vincent Massol 1.1 4
Thomas Mortagne 3.1 5 {{velocity}}
Vincent Massol 1.1 6 $xwiki.jsx.use('Blog.ManageCategories', {'mode' : 'select'})##
7 $xwiki.ssx.use('Blog.ManageCategories')##
8 #getEntryObject($doc $entryObj)
9 #if("$!entryObj" == '')
Thomas Mortagne 3.1 10 {{warning}}{{translation key='blog.sheet.notpost'/}}{{/warning}}
11 ## Keep testing the inline action for backward compatibility with older blog posts.
12 #elseif($xcontext.action != 'edit' && $xcontext.action != 'inline')
Vincent Massol 1.1 13 ## View mode
Thomas Mortagne 3.1 14 #getBlogDocument ($ $blogDoc)
15 #getBlogPostsLayout($blogDoc $postsLayout)
16 #set ($layoutParams="useSummary=false|displayTitle=false")
17 #if ($postsLayout != 'full')
18 #set ($layoutParams="$!{layoutParams}|displayCalendar=false")
19 #end
20 {{blogPostLayoutFull reference="$doc.fullName.replaceAll('~', '~~').replaceAll('"', '~"')" params="$!layoutParams.replaceAll('~', '~~').replaceAll('"', '~"')" /}}
Vincent Massol 1.1 21 #else
Thomas Mortagne 3.1 22 #if ("$!request.title" != '')
23 ## Use the page title specified on the request, if available, as blog post title. This is needed for instance when
24 ## we create the blog post using the Create Page wizard with the blog post template provider (the user is specifying
25 ## the page title).
26 #set ($discard = $entryObj.set('title', $request.title))
27 #end
28 #getBlogCategoriesLocation($ $categoriesLocation)
29 #set ($defaultPostCategory = "${categoriesLocation}.WebHome")
30 #if ($categoriesLocation == 'Blog')
31 #set ($defaultPostCategory = "Blog.Categories.WebHome")
32 #end
33 #set($discard = $xwiki.jsx.use('Blog.BlogPostSheet'))
34 #set($discard = $xwiki.ssx.use('Blog.BlogPostSheet'))
35 (% class="xform" %)(((
36 {{html clean="false" wiki="true"}}
37 ; <label>{{translation key='blog.sheet.title'/}}</label>
38 : $doc.display('title', 'edit', $entryObj)
39 ; <label>{{translation key='blog.sheet.content'/}}</label>
40 : $doc.display('content', 'edit', $entryObj)
41 ; <label>{{translation key='blog.sheet.summary'/}}</label>
42 : $doc.display('extract', 'edit', $entryObj)
44 <div class="row">
45 <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-lg-3">
46 <dl>
47 <dt><label>$services.localization.render('blog.sheet.image') <a href="javascript:;" title="${escapetool.xml($services.localization.render(''))}"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-info-sign" aria-hidden="true"></span></a> :</label></dt>
48 <dd>
49 {{/html}}
51 {{attachmentSelector classname="Blog.BlogPostClass" property="image" filter="png,jpg,gif" displayImage="true" buttontext="$services.localization.render('blog.sheet.choose_image')" width="300" cssClass="blogImageSelector"/}}
53 {{html clean="false" wiki="true"}}
54 </dd>
55 </dl>
56 </div>
57 <div class="col-xs-12 col-sm-8 col-lg-9">
58 <dl>
59 <dt><label>{{translation key='blog.sheet.category'/}}</label></dt>
60 <dd>
61 #displayCategoryManagementTree($categoriesLocation 'selectable') <input type="hidden" name="Blog.BlogPostClass_0_category" id="defaultPostCategory"/><input type="hidden" id="blogCategoriesWebHome" value="${escapetool.xml($defaultPostCategory)}"/>
62 </dd>
63 </dl>
64 </div>
65 </div>
66 {{/html}}
67 )))
68 #if ($doc.isNew())
69 ## We're creating a new blog post. We handle this case differently because #isPublished returns true when the
70 ## property is not set (object missing) and thus the new blog post will appear as published. See also the comment
71 ## from the else branch below.
72 #set ($isPublished = false)
73 #else
74 ## We're editing an existing blog post. We need to check the original document because the current one can have
75 ## unsaved changes, which happens for instance after returning from preview.
76 #set ($originalDocument = $xwiki.getDocument($doc.documentReference))
77 #getEntryObject($originalDocument $originalEntryObj)
78 #isPublished($originalEntryObj $isPublished)
79 #end
Vincent Massol 1.1 80 #if($isPublished)
Thomas Mortagne 3.1 81 #if($hasEdit)
Vincent Massol 1.1 82 #set($hideArticle = ${doc.display('hidden', 'edit', $entryObj)})
Thomas Mortagne 3.1 83 (% class="post-state-blk plainmessage" %)(((
84 (% class="publish-message" %)((($services.icon.render('world') $services.localization.render('blog.sheet.publicationdate', [${doc.display('publishDate', 'view', $entryObj)}]))))
85 (% class="hide-message" %)((($services.icon.render('unlock') $services.localization.render('blog.sheet.hidearticle', [${hideArticle}]))))
86 )))
Vincent Massol 1.1 87 #end
88 #else
89 #set($defaultDate = $xwiki.getDocument($blogPostTemplate).getObject($blogPostClassname).getProperty('publishDate').value.time)
90 #if($entryObj.getProperty('publishDate').value.time == $defaultDate)
91 ## The publish date was not set, force it to be the creation date
92 $entryObj.set('publishDate', $doc.creationDate)
93 #end
Thomas Mortagne 3.1 94 {{html clean="false" wiki="true"}}
95 #publishMessageBox("$services.localization.render('blog.sheet.notpublished') <label>**$services.localization.render('blog.sheet.publish') ${doc.display('published', 'edit', $entryObj)}**</label>\\<label>$services.localization.render('blog.sheet.setdate') ${doc.display('publishDate', 'edit', $entryObj)}</label>")
96 {{/html}}
Vincent Massol 1.1 97 #end
98 #end
99 {{/velocity}}